Perfect life surgery – and more!

24th EFORT instructional course, 17/18 April 2009 in Budapest

BUDAPEST (jp) –Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Böhler is member of the Efort Education committee and lecturer at the course in Budapest. In this interview he points out the subjects and highlights of the event.

What topics will be in the focus of this course?

Böhler: In this course we focus on several subjects. The first one is the ACL reconstruction. We could enlist some distinguished speakers such as Prof. Dr. René Verdonck. And we will have a life surgery that will surely be impressive. Our next subject is cartilage repair. In this area our Host Prof. Dr. Lásló Hangody is an international acknowledged expert who has developed his own technique. Another speaker is Prof. Dr. Lars Peterson. Every orthopaedic specialist knows him as “the cartilage pope” in Europe. We will also have a life surgery to demonstrate the cartilage repair. A relatively new issue is the meniscus reconstruction. This is another field in which Prof. Verdonck has attained international reputation. And our last subject will be minimal invasive total knee replacement and minimal invasive total hip replacement – both techniques will be demonstrated and explained in an impressive way during live surgery.

This is a wide range of subjects. Do you see the possibility for the participants to benefit from the experience of their Hungarian hosts and colleagues as well as the international experts?

Böhler: Yes, definitely. Something exiting about this course is the fact that both our hosts – Prof. Hangody and Dr. Iván Udvarhelyi – are excellent surgeons. So next to the scientific lectures it is most of all the live surgery that will be impressive. We will gain insight into all the small steps and details that are part of every surgical procedure. Prof. Dr. Miklós Szendöí, our next EFORT President and Director of the orthopaedic department of the Semmelweis University will be present and talk about his experience. So I think that all colleagues will benefit on the one hand from the Hungarian organisers and on the other hand from our international guests.

You already mentioned that there will be a live surgery in each of the four parts of the course. What is special about this part of the programme?

Böhler: In every subject we will have life surgery. A very experienced team will be working there with excellent camera work. In a short time the respective technique will be demonstrated. At the same time it will be easily possible to discuss every single step while the surgery is going on.

Two workshops will give the participants the possibility to learn new techniques. A chance to gather some practical experience?

Böhler: All of us are confronted with more and more periprosthetic fractures, due to the rising number of artificial joints. So we chose the treatment of these fractures for the subject of our practical workshops.

So as a summary you would say that in these two days in April orthopaedics surgeons can learn a lot in every sense?

Böhler: Yes, I am convinced that we will offer a good survey and that, on the other hand, there are rarely any other courses worldwide that can offer such a perfect life surgery.

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