Professor Werner Müller, MD
The Knee: Evolution, Function and in History
Wednesday 01 June 2016 | 14:45 – 15:30 | Auditorium: Geneva
By Professor Werner Müller, MD | Emeritus Professor at the University of Basel | Emeritus Head of Orthopaedic Clinic Kantonsspital Bruderholz, Baselland, Switzerland.
Professor Werner Müller will present this year’s swiss orthopaedics’ Maurice Edmond Müller (MEM) Honorary Lecture at the 17th EFORT Annual Congress – a combined programe with swiss orthopaedics – in Geneva, Switzerland. Professor Müller’s presentation entitled “The Knee: Evolution, Function, and in History” will explore his long and distinguished career in dealing with the complex anatomy of the knee.
In the 1970’s, Professor Müller attended the famous Lyon School for Knee Surgery to learn from the extraordinary teacher Professor Albert Trillat, who had a major influence on his career. In 1978, Professor Müller was selected to start the first Orthopaedic Department of Kanton Basel Landschaft in the new Kantonsspital Bruderholz just outside of Basel, Switzerland. Within a few years, the small Department grew into a full Orthopaedic Clinic with a worldwide reputation as an outstanding learning centre for knee surgery and reconstructive orthopaedic traumatology. At the same year Professor Müller published his book The Knee, Form, Function, and Ligament Reconstruction. A few years after he was promoted to Associate Professor and Extraordinary Professor of the Medical Faculty University of Basel in 1990.
As Emeritus Professor at the University of Basel and Emeritus Head of Orthopaedic Clinic Kantonsspital Bruderholz, Professor Müller continues to be requested to give lectures as well as teach instructional courses at both of these prestigious institutions. Professor Müller is a prodigious author, having written over 150 articles as well as edited various scientific journals over the past 45 years.

Professor Richard Wallensten
MD, Ph.D
Trainees’ Education in Europe: Current Needs
Thursday 02 June 2016 | 12:45 – 13:15 | Auditorium: Geneva
By Professor Richard Wallensten, MD, Ph.D | Senior Consultant Surgeon, Orthopaedic Department, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.
Professor Richard Wallensten will present this year’s Erwin Morscher Honorary Lecture at the upcoming Geneva congress. Professor Wallensten has held a number of prestigious board positions across Europe over the course of his career, including strong commitment to the Swedish Orthopaedic Association, the Swedish Society of Orthopaedic Trauma as well as the Nordic Orthopaedic Federation in addition to a number of other board positions.
Professor Wallensten main interests are shoulder and elbow surgery, hip and pelvic reconstruction and orthopaedic problems in haemophilia as well as trauma surgery. Internationally, Professor Wallensten has gained experiences in orthopaedics and trauma in Lebanon, Iraq, Geneva and Tanzania. Professor Wallensten is currently Associate Professor in orthopaedics at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden as well as Senior Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden a position he has held since 1991.

Professor Martin Krismer, MD
Migration of Hip Implants
Friday 03 June 2016 | 12:45 – 13:15 | Auditorium: Geneva
By Professor Martin Krismer, MD | Professor and Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics, Innsbruck Medical University, Austria.
Professor Martin Krismer will be presenting this year’s Michael Freeman Honorary Lecture at the 17th EFORT Annual Congress Geneva 2016. Professor Krismer’s presentation, entitled “Migration of Hip Implants”, will explore his long and distinguished career surrounding the stability and migration of hip implants.
Professor Krismer received his university degree in Medicine from the University of Innsbruck, Austria, in 1979. Seven years later he started his residency in Orthopaedics at the Department of Orthopaedics of Innsbruck University Hospital. He had the opportunity to learn from important teachers including Professor Rudolf Bauer and Dozent Wolfgang Russe, who was trying to develop a method for measuring the migration of hip implants. In 1988 Dr. Russe died in a car accident. Professor Krismer subsequently felt compelled to continue his research in the field of migration measurement. In 1993, a fellowship gave him the opportunity to meet Stuart Weinstein in Iowa City, Robert Winter and John Lonstein in Minneapolis and many others. But the fellowship also helped him get together with Michael Freeman in London, operate with him and exchange ideas on knee arthroplasty. In 2001 he was appointed Professor of Orthopaedics and Head of the Department of Orthopaedics at Innsbruck University Hospital. Since 2010, he has been the Chairman of the Academic Senate of the Medical University of Innsbruck. Professor Krismer is the author of a monography and editor of a textbook on minimally invasive joint arthroplasty, and has written approximately 130 peer-reviewed articles.